Matthew Crosston

s200_matthew.crosstonDr. Matthew Crosston
Miller Endowed Chair for Industrial and International Security
Director — The ISIS Program
International Security and Intelligence Studies, Bellevue University, USA.




Interview by Grazhdanskie Sily, March 31, 2017 (In Russian)

Сегодня Мэтью Кросстон — один из самых достойных и награжденных в США специалистов по России, знающий реалии нашей страны, и считающий нормализацию российско-американских отношений обязательным условием обеспечения мира и безопасности на планете.
Что на самом деле думают американские эксперты об отношениях между Россией и США, и как они будут развиваться — в эксклюзивном интервью корреспондента сетевого издания «Гражданские силы.ру» с политологом Мэтью Кросстоном…«подробнее»

Crosston’s ISIS Program: Trying to Evolve a New Age of Cyber Protection, CIO Insight Magazine

P.S. A study recently published in PLOS ONE found that papers uploaded to receive a 69% boost in citations over 5 years. See the study and data here.

THE TYRANNY OF THE 1%: The Illusion of Overcoming Terror, Modern Diplomacy — Terrorism, March 23, 2016

P.S. A study recently published in PLOS ONE found that papers uploaded to receive a 69% boost in citations over 5 years. See the study and data here…

«US and the Problem of Being a Geopolitical Prom Queen»

I have some bad news for the United States. Russia doesn’t listen to America. Unfortunately, I have worse news: contrary to what many specialists, analysts, and commentators across the transatlantic community may think, it is not because Russia is trying to rekindle the Cold War or desperately grasping at whatever remnants of old Soviet power it used to have. No, I’m afraid Russia doesn’t listen to America because of the unfortunate tendency by the US to act like a geopolitical prom queen…«подробнее»

«Viva la Revolutsione! Now, Don’t Mess it Up Like Everyone Else, Ukraine!»

When a leadership neglects the best interests of its own population, it is well within the rights of the people to attempt to remove this leadership from power. Ukraine is now in the subsequent stages of a revolution which has ousted the former president from power. Now though, careful deliberation and planning is vital. Opposition leaders must not rush into conducting immediate elections, or they risk jeopardizing the very gains they have fought so hard to achieve…«подробнее»

«The Dilemma of Duplicity: The Three Maestros of the Crimea»

The events transpiring in the aftermath of the ‘EuroMaidan’ Revolution in Kiev are clearly multi-faceted and complex. What is clearly not helping matters, however, is a pervasive duplicity reflected in each of the three main sides’ behavior. The idea of duplicity being an integral part of any conflict and even a fundamentally basic aspect of foreign policy is not a new or radical idea. What’s distressing, however, is the lack of clarity from the media, which is failing to consistently expose and highlight the duplicity, thus keeping a more accurate view of the Kiev/Crimea crisis distant from international scholars, observers, and the generally concerned. Below are not the only examples of duplicitous behavior emanating from each side…«подробнее»

«US and Russia: Bringing a Knife to a Foreign Policy Gunfight»

At the present writing there has not been a final resolution to the crisis in Crimea and the possibility of a worsening situation remains high as the new Ukrainian Prime Minister heads to Washington DC while local Crimean authorities, with Russian support, promise to hold a referendum on basically seceding from Ukraine and rejoining the Russian Federation. Many respected and accomplished voices have written eloquently on both sides of this dilemma, testifying to the complexity of the situation and affirming how little global affairs ultimately have to do with black-and-white caricatures and hyperbolic posturing…«подробнее»

«Crimea: What Comes Next?»

These are the days of our Spring discontent. It is ironic to consider that as events continue to unfold in Crimea the path that might hold the most hope for future peace and stability is the one that guarantees all sides being at least somewhat disappointed. Allow me to elaborate…«подробнее»

«Beware the Sheep with Fangs»

Starting to heat up the Internet (well, at least in Russia and Eastern Ukraine, while likely not even to be acknowledged in Western Europe) is a hacked telephone call last week between the former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council Nestor Shufrich and the former Prime Minister, recently-freed-from-prison, media darling Yulia Tymoshenko…«подробнее»

«Putin and the West: To Dance or Not to Dance?»

These are the days of garment-rending. At least, this is likely the lament privately voiced by many in the corridors of American and European power. Obama’s recent trip to Europe to shore up greater resolve and commitment for strengthening sanctions and isolating (or is it shaming?) Russia after the Crimea annexation (or is it secession?) was fairly uneventful…«подробнее»

«Syria, Russia, and the US: Cold War Residue Redux»

Though Syria has somewhat fallen off the media radar in the West because of a Malaysian plane crashing into the Indian Ocean and Crimean referendum consequences booming across Europe, an on-going conflict and crisis continues in a critically important region of the world…«подробнее»

«The Folly of Sanitized Cyber War»

The debate over the applicability or non-applicability of international law to cyber war and the need for a cyber-specific international treaty might be irrelevant. Both camps, pro and con, argue about the need for cyber war to have the Law of Armed Conflict or some new international legal project properly cover the cyber domain…«подробнее»

«The Folly of Sanitized Cyber War»

The debate over the applicability or non-applicability of international law to cyber war and the need for a cyber-specific international treaty might be irrelevant…«подробнее»

«Surrounded Tiger: The Indian Strategic Intelligence Condition»

The complexity of India’s foreign policy and domestic power dilemmas has led to many Western states inaccurately judging the country’s approach to intelligence strategy. India’s intelligence challenges break down most effectively into the categories of domestic, regional, global, and emerging…«подробнее»

«The Strange Case of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization»

This piece investigates the unique peculiarities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Instead of being a Eurasian counterpart to the EU, an additional IO bridge between East and West, or even influenced by organizations like ASEAN, the SCO is dominated by micro-agendas that work in opposition to the theoretical literature explaining international organization purpose…«подробнее»

«Reluctant Dragon: The Chinese Intelligence Condition»

While China has accepted human security as a new framework to study modern security challenges, it has been very busy trying to show how the implications of human security can be intrusive and even invasive of state sovereignty…«подробнее»

«The Unintended Precedent of Maidan»

Oh how fickle and strange ‘revolutions’ can be. Perhaps the Western academic world can be forgiven for its presumptuousness: after all, it has been nearly a generation since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and subsequent march of ‘democratic revolutions’ all over the globe. Well, actually, that is partially true…«подробнее»

«To Live and Die in Donetsk»

Not that anyone would notice, but there is a disturbing and quite frankly depressing reality taking place in eastern Ukraine. While it is true the conflict that rages has been largely downplayed now and shoved off the media spotlight in the West, whatever coverage does emerge tends to be giving a relative free pass to Ukrainian police forces, special operation forces, and the military as they seek to reinstitute control over their national territory…«подробнее»

«The Fast and the Furious in Gas Geopolitics»

The interplay between Ukraine and Russia when it comes to gas geopolitics goes far beyond economic negotiations and development. It lies at the heart of what has been fairly inaccurate or uninformed media reporting in the West…«подробнее»

«Saving Lives or Saving Face? Sanctions, Russia, and the West»

New sanctions were levied against Russia on July 16th by both the United States and the European Union. America has taken the lead in explaining the sanctions, claiming continued unrest in Eastern Ukraine is primarily because of tacit Russian support behind-the-scenes…«подробнее»

«Cold War Think Tanks: Back to Business»

2014 is starting to look and sound and feel an awful lot like 1964. If you find yourself sitting at home wondering how 50 years could go by with so much historical change and global shifting and yet still end up basically back at the starting point of a quasi-Cold War between the United States and Russia, then please allow me to offer one slightly unique explanation as to how this has all come to pass: it’s my fault…«подробнее»

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